Cellphone radiationIf you were to hear your cellphone is a mini-microwave or actually less safe, would you pay any mind to this or think its complete nonsense?.Rarely anyone would disagree that our cellphones have become so important to us that we do not go anywhere without them. Even teens in school find it difficult to disengage in using their cellphones during class or when not allowed to. Drivers although it is illegal in the state of New York, also have trouble resisting temptation to talk on their cellphones.So what is the main idea of all this info?it is important we do some useful research and always be as aware as we can be of avoiding any doubts or being better informed of what we are buying.Just as we would do with any lotion or majority of items we would buy, we should investigate what it is made of and what good does it do for us. For a cellphone to function it emits radio signal called radio frequency energy ,a form of electromagnetic radiation.Concern is that the use of cellphones too close to our head and brains can cause adverse health defects.Although this theory is denied or disagreed upon by many scientists we need to be aware that this can make sense.There is much concern as to cellphones also harming our bodies organs where it is nearest such as our reproductive organs,our chest, ears. The first thing anyone would assume is that if they are not using their cellphone and it is placed somewhere away from them, well it wouldn't cause harm right? It wouldn't be in use so wouldn't this make a difference?. According to Dr.Devra Davis founding director of the toxicology and environmental studies board at the U.S. National Academy of sciences, there are many misconceptions about cellphone use and its possible long term effects.In Dr Devra Davis's interview on the Leonard Lopate show she says as long as the cellphone is turned on, whether you are using it or not it sends out signals.Cellphones use alot less watts and are less powerful than microwaves but use the same signals as a microwave.She also states that cellphone warnings are only read if you search it, and an extremely few people read or know about it. Did you also know manufacturers do not test for safety? FDA decided in the 1980's not to test cellphones for safety. Dr Devra claims that studying diseases in animals and humans has shown that cancer can take up to 40years to expose itself.There are also other studies conducted amongst researchers concerned about cellphone radiation and its possible health effects on peoples lives,that have linked the use of cellphones to fertility and the ability to reproduce such as a research done at the Reproductive research center in Cleveland, Ohio that tested over 360men and divided them into three categories those who never used a cell phone, those who used a cell phone less than two hours per day and the final group of men, who used their cell phones at least four hours each day. Results definetly showed that cellphone radiation could have it effects on fertility.Those who more frequently used their cellphones showed a 25% decrease in their sperm count than those who never used a cellphone at all, and also showed a 1/3 decrease in their sperms ability to swim.Less than 1/5 of the men who frequently used their cellphones, showed normal sperm under the microscope. In my own perspective I believe any electronic we use today could definetly have its long term effects on many aspects of our lives.I do believe that heavy usage of cellphones is harmful to our healths, it uses radiation to function and obviously radiation has strong effects on human health.It may be in smaller portions that our cellphones emmit them, but if you really think about it exposing your internal organs such as your head,ears,brain to that radiation so many hours daily in the course of years this should have bad effects on our health.Personally I have realized how after having a one or two hour conversation on my cellphone,it never fails to give me a huge headache.I would not want to risk my health or fertility level for heavy usage of cellphones.I also feel it makes people ignore and not appreciate what life has to offer being more present in the moment, and fully living your experiences when your only on your phone or focusing on your phone.I prefer meeting up in person or even writing to friends on the internet when ever I get the chance but talking on the phone for so many hours is not something I've ever done.In discovering that FDA does not even consider to test cellphones for safety, it gives me alot to think about.I do not trust any product that has not been sufficiently tested and in the few test that have been done, there are results that could connect to exposure to cellphone radiation. So is cell phone radiation a matter that we do not have to worry about? or an exxaggeration? or is it true? I believe any object so important in our daily lives has to be well known, I mean how much do we even know about our cellphones and how they even function?.So lets not let time show us tragical results, and lets just be a little more informed and precautious.