My Journal
After reading the speech given by President Barack Obama to the students of the Julia R. Masterman Laboratory and Demonstration school located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania September 14th 2010, I felt a great sense of inspiration as a student and felt our president's speech was very genuine.I felt he discussed issues and topics about difficulties we have had to face currently,and subjects that can directly apply to my situation as most likely it does to many other students as well. "Maybe you’re a senior, and you’re anxious about the whole college process; about where to apply and whether you can afford to go to college" This is one of the many quotes I feel directly apply to me and is very important to acknowledge that as a senior student coming from a working class family and many obligations I have in life,it is definitely stressful and a motive many seniors become discouraged to move on,and fulfill college due to the financial prospect of it. "So a lot of you as a consequence, because we’re going through a tough time a country, are having to act a lot older than you are.You got to be strong for your family while your brother or sister is serving overseas, or you’ve got to look after younger siblings while your mom is working that second shift.Or maybe some of you who are little bit older, you’re taking on a part-time job while your dad’s out of work" In this quote president Obama shows understanding of the issues and responsibility many young adults have to take on because of the nations recession.He acknowledges it is a tough time in our country and that this leads us to take on financial obligations at a young age. "that’s a lot to handle.It’s more than you should have to handle.And it may make you wonder at times what your own future will look like, whether you’re going to be able to succeed in school, whether you should maybe set your sights a little lower, scale back your dreams" Here the president tells us that handling more than we should be at such a young age can sometimes easily cause us to leave our goals or dreams to the side and lower our standards.It makes us wonder what our future is going to bring us and if times will somehow improve , will we succeed?.It's certainly something many of us wonder every day of our lives. "So long as you’re willing to stay focused on your education, there is not a single thing that any of you cannot accomplish, not a single thing.I believe that ." This quote inspires me to try my hardest in graduating high school and pushing through obstacles to succeed and complete college.
In this speech the president says the most important thing to succeed and excel in your studies, and in your life is not mainly how smart you are, but how much are you willing to work harder and put more effort than most.That is why I feel this year I am going to try my hardest to have good attendance in school, make the most effort possible to focus on my education.My goal is to use this speech and many examples of hardworking successful people, to help remind me that success is achieved by the amount of effort you give.I am going to organize my personal life and be strong through financial ups and downs or my responsibility as a young mother,and I am only going to use it as more of a reason why I need to go far with my education.My daughter and important figures that can set an example for me are going to help remind me I need to work hard and I want the best future possible for myself and my family. This year at Edward A. Reynolds West side High School I am going to ask teachers for help and guidance with anything I need and I will make sure I take time to review how I am doing and what college I am going to apply to.So I thank the president with all sincerity for the motivation and example he set with his speech.The government does its best to help our nation and so do our teachers and families but it is up to us how hard we are willing to work in life.